Ian Benecke
A partner of the firm since 1982, Ian’s principal practice areas are estate planning, wills, trusts, estate administration and property with specialist focus on business succession planning. He also acts for many agribusiness organisations, farming families and pastoral companies, regularly advising on rural land tenures, water rights and duties and taxation laws as they affect transactions.
Ian’s focus is on delivering private client services to individuals and privately held businesses in those core areas of practice including succession planning, structuring to protect assets, minimizing duty and taxation imposts on transactions.
Ian is a former member of the Rural Conveyancing Committee of the Law Society of New South Wales. He has also presented papers at Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) Seminars to NSW practitioners on rural land tenure issues and conveyancing. He has also been a visiting course leader at the College of Law for the Property Law Specialist Accreditation Training Program.
A past recipient of Law Society Journal Writer’s Award for an article on rural conveyancing and Crown Land conveyancing, Ian has also made other contributions to the Journal concerned with Crown Land titles legislation, agricultural tenancy and water rights law. He has given reports and expert testimony in the Supreme Court of New South Wales regarding property transactions and areas of pastoral and rural sector legal practice. He is a former author of the Butterworth’s Crown Lands Commentary and the Crown Lands forms and precedents guide in the Australian Encyclopaedia of Legal Forms and Precedents.

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